This is a small pre-announcement; nothing is available yet.
I have another update planned for the Zora vim theme, namely, support for airline.
A previous update to Zora is that version 1.1.0 (renamed and) documented a config option, the g:zora_use_gui_colors variable. Internally, the theme loads only GUI colors if the GUI is running, the termguicolors option is known+set… or if the variable is set to 1. Otherwise, it falls back to checking t_Co to load the 256- or 16-color theme, depending on the terminal’s capabilities.
I am also designing a new theme called Garden, a GUI-oriented theme in warm earthy tones with a dark green background. This theme will have airline support from the start. A serviceable 256-color variant will be provided, but the background color will be gray instead of green.
Stay tuned for the final release!