When we last left
off, I had sketched
out a config file for fedora-pack, then neglected it when I finally
accepted that Perl is
Seven months later, fedora-pack is undergoing a rewrite to Python. It’s
equally widespread (or easy to install) and includes a ton of batteries.
I’ve always liked that.
But that’s only half the change. I’ve been trying to simplify and
streamline the code, to make it more straightforward even at the
expense of some flexibility and testability—there are, after all, no
tests, no extensions, and no users. As far as I know.
That’s resulted in a rather different codebase, because of two
At work, I don’t use the multi-version capability. What if
make_provisioner just installs the platform’s default version?
It would have to know a lot less about distros and versions.
At work, our bundled scripts install our own necessary packages (such
as git) in addition to the core languages. What if
make_provisioner doesn’t bother offering package
preinstallation? On the one side of the process is cloud-init,
if preinstallation is important. On the other, the runner script can
install its own choice of language packages. Now make_provisioner
doesn’t even have to care about distros (or features or packages)
at all, as long as it can have a distro-agnostic SFX stub.
Things seem to be going well so far; expect a code dump on github by
November. I want to use cloud-maker for work’s AMI builder, instead of a
hacked fedora-pack fork, and the Ubuntu 15.10 release will be a good
time to change that.
I mentioned last
post that I
was thinking of going with “a config file of some sort.” Plans have
formed to use INI format, and the parser is written. (Between the
desires to be pure-perl all the way down and to keep embed size down, I
didn’t find any pre-written parsers that suited me on CPAN.)
So, it’s probably going to end up something like this:
; we basically just use this for supervisord, no venv needed
min_version = 2.7
with_virtualenv = 0
; legacy app can’t handle `carton exec`
with_carton = 0
install = "php perl python2" ; known to fedora-pack
add_packages = "php5-fpm libmoose-perl" ; known to apt/yum
As a bonus, the sections organize the options so that languages can
define their own options fully independently, without having to avoid
naming conflicts in the CLI options.
fedora-pack will continue to install all the per-language options by
default, since actually using them is best practice, as I understand
I’ve noticed that python-pip and virtualenv packages on Ubuntu
Utopic have similar dependencies—but the latter is on *-whl packages
and the former is not. Since I use Python but not virtualenv in my own
server build, it ‘would be nice’ to skip the automatic installation of
it by fedora-pack.
Of course, in order to support such a thing, fedora-pack clearly needs
more options for finer control. Yet, it seems like the global option
parser isn’t the perfect place for language-related options, so the
App::FedoraPack::System class tree may spawn some additional
argument-related functions.
I may finally go with a config file of some sort. The command line is
getting unwieldy already.