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Quilt Draw update released!

A new quilt-draw release has been made! This may also be the world’s first announcement of its existence, outside of appearing in a GitHub repository.

To use it, go to its repository page. Known issue: Dark Reader completely destroys the UI elements. Please turn off Dark Reader for the site.

What is quilt-draw?

Quilt Draw is a quarter-square triangle designing tool. It lets you pick a set of colors, then modify a single quilt block using them. A preview of a full quilt using the block is generated in real time. There are also options for adding borders and sashing to the preview.

Finally, there are options to download both the block itself, and the quilt preview.

What is new?

When the width of the window exceeded 1600 pixels, there were coordinate errors. They are now fixed. It’s a hack, but it works.

I have also updated the components (the color picker) to the latest version. The main code still targets ES6/2015, so there should be few issues, even on older computers.

Technical Support

There is none. This project is strictly for amusement.
