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Slim4 http-interop adapter 1.0.2 / 1.1.0

Following the reporting (and subsequent fixing) of issue #1, sapphirecat/slim4-http-interop-adapter has two new versions:

  • 1.0.2 updates the composer.json to reject Slim 4.11 and newer, while retaining compatibility with PHP 7.1
  • 1.1.0 requires Slim 4.11+ and PHP 7.4+

Links: GitHub and Packagist.

This is a change from the versioning policy previously listed in the file. It previously stated that removing support for a PHP version would be a major release. However, this is not how the wider PHP ecosystem treats it, and it does not appear to be necessary under Semantic Versioning. In particular, this package has no user-facing API, and therefore, nothing is broken by this change.

Since release, I have found that the 1.0 branch's support of PHP 7.1 is overly broad. By the time my package is useful (Slim 4.9.0), Slim itself required PHP 7.3. Nevertheless, v1.0.2 keeps all support that v1.0.0 promised.
