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Garden Vim Theme v1.0

I am pleased to announce the first release of garden-vim, a dark, earthy theme primarily for GUI (gVim, neovim, and truecolor terminals.)

Screenshots, with airline:

Garden theme with PHP code
Garden theme with multiple windows

The airline theme is designed to change only the leftmost background when changing modes. Changing the entire line seemed rather distracting.

Due to the limitations of the 256-color XTerm palette, there exists a 256-color theme, but it is not recommended. One should use :set termguicolors to activate truecolor rendering in terminal windows for the best experience. Alternatively, check if has('gui_running') to choose a different theme for the terminal in the else branch of your vimrc file:

if has('gui_running')
  colorscheme garden
  colorscheme desert

Once again, the repository is

Happy hacking!
